Have you ever walked into your closet, pulled out a piece of clothing, and realized that you've had the item for a decade (or two or three)?! Sometimes, the item hasn't even fit for longer than you care to remember. Why is the item still in your closet? "I'll fit into it again, someday." "It'll be back in style someday." "I forgot it was there." "I'm saving it for a special occasion." "I just need to mend the small hole in it." These are all excuses that are cluttering up your closet. When it comes back in style, it won't be quite the same. If you were going to fit into it, you would by now. How many years have you waited for that special occasion? Do you even know how to mend a hole? You can take control. Be realistic. Let go of things that don't flatter you where you're at right now. Purge. Make room for something new. Fix it, if it's of value. Throw your own special occasion. Don't put it off for another year, or two, or decade. There's a lot of good intention sitting there, but if we don't get it out and use it, it's just clutter.
This past weekend, I listened to Sue Rusch, who is a Strategic Consultant, Speaker, & Business Coach (and also very tall). Of all the wonderful information she gave (and there was a lot), the one quote that really struck home for me was, "We can look at family as an excuse , or a reason ." Ouch! It's so easy to avoid the work that I know I need to do, by saying "my family time is more important". But what am I calling "family time"? Sitting in a dance studio during lessons? Watching tv while the rest of my family watches another tv? Sitting on a field watching soccer practice? Dinner together (but barely half the family is there)? Choose what is important. And be there. Remember the reasons that you chose leadership. And if your leadership is important, schedule your activities. And be there . No excuses. Thanks to everyone who is regularly (or even occasionally) reading this blog. I've been cover...
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