So, yesterday I was driving back home from the Quad Cities and I noticed that the bridge near Iowa City that they've been working on (seemingly forever) is finally looking like a bridge. Traffic has been re-routed in that area for quite some time. The base structure is in and the deck (the part we drive on) looks to be almost completed. It got my mind thinking about many things (especially because I still had some windshield time), but I kept coming back to the bridge. I thought about how long it takes to put in the foundation structure for a bridge. And how much of the base starts out under water. I considered how traffic changes while work is being done. And how great it will be when all lanes are open over the bridge. I thought about how many times I've driven past the project, and didn't notice much progress. I thought about how quickly it seems that the structure goes in, the farther to the top you are. This bridge is so m...